Unlock a World of Resources with Quincy Public Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service providing an extensive array of materials beyond our own physical collection. This collaborative effort among participating libraries allows seamless access to resources through requests.
About Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan is open to all current Quincy Public Library cardholders, as well as non-resident cardholders.
- Search the Quincy Public Library catalog first, then place an ILL request for specific titles or subjects not available locally.
- Explore the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and WorldCat databases to access materials from libraries worldwide.
- Submit requests in-person, via email, phone, or online through the form below.
Materials follow QPL lending periods, and renewals are possible for an additional two weeks. Return items to the Circulation Desk.
Most items arrive within 1-3 weeks. Check the status of your requests by calling the Interlibrary Loan Department at 223-1309 ext. 210.
Charges are based on lending library fees, and every effort is made to secure materials free of charge. Copyright law compliance is maintained, and limitations exist on borrowing current periodical articles due to U.S. Copyright guidelines.
For inquiries, provide your name, phone number, brief title, and question via phone (217) 223-1309 ext. 210 or email at sblackwell@quincylibrary.org. Expect a response within one business day.
Items must be at least 6 months old to order through Interlibrary Loan.
Virtual Library
FirstSearch From OCLC

OCLC has the ideal databases to find books, films, videos, computer software, magazines, business journals. Use FirstSearch to find full-text articles in databases such as ArticleFirst, and ECO.

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