Donate Materials


The Quincy Public Library accepts donations of books, books-on-cd, CDs, DVDs, personal papers, primary source documents, & photographs. These can be donated at any desk within the library & will be passed to the appropriate librarian. 

The following materials will not be considered for addition to the QPL collection: 

  • Textbooks & course packs. 

  • Back issues of periodicals 

  • Materials in formats not supported by the library, such as vinyl & cassette recordings. 

  • Items in poor condition. 

  • Materials which have been copied from an original. 

  • Materials to which the donor has attached restrictions that will limit access for library users or seeks to determine the shelving locations of the materials. 

Once donated, ownership of materials passes to the Quincy Public Library. When making the selection will take into consideration: 

  • Access to the material within RSA 

  • Age of material 

  • Collection objectives 

  • Condition of the donation

  • Diversity of viewpoint 

  • Existing subject coverage within collection 

  • Location within the collection (fiction/nonfiction/reference, adult/teen/children) 

  • Support of lifelong learning 

  • Timeliness of topic 

QPL reserves the right to not accept any materials that might be too restrictive in purpose, that violate the terms of governing documents, that may be too difficult to administer, that could expose the organization to liability, that do not satisfy all of the qualifications of the Internal Revenue Code, or gifts for purposes inconsistent with the scope of the library’s mission. 

QPL reserves the right to dispose of materials as it sees fit, including but not limited to selling duplicate materials or materials inappropriate to the collection & donation of the materials to another public entity. 

Service Type