The books are coming! The books are coming!!
They're here. They've always been here. After all, we are still the public library. So, we've still got our collection of books & that's not going to change. We have new books & we have old books. Fiction, nonfiction, & graphic novel. Obviously we have physical books, but we also have books on cd you can listen to & we have digital books.
Want to try a new genre? Well, this is your opportunity! Trying to help your kid read 1,000 books before kindergarten (not quite the Book-It we all remember but still nice) or wanting to kick start your own reading challenge? We've got you covered. There are the new books & these are available for all age groups. And then there are the stacks, which are fairly full of your favorite genres & topics, ranging to from True Crime to Art to Biography or Fiction to Romance to Mystery.
If you are looking to go the digital route, we've got several options for you.
If you prefer to read, we have Libby. (It tends to be heavier on the ebooks with some e-audiobooks available.) Alliance Digital Media Library - OverDrive
If you prefer to listen, we have Hoopla. (It tends to be heavier on the e-audiobooks with some ebooks available.) Login | hoopla
And if you like comics/graphic novels, we have access to Comics Plus. (Complete with a children's platform, a teen platform, & a "full collection" version.) Library Pass Login
We consistently have displays out, that change anywhere between every couple of days to monthly, & that includes a January display dedicated specifically to Book Blitz month! (Also, please keep an eye out for the displays. They cover a variety of topics & themes throughout the year.) Not to mention the Staff Picks display in the library lobby that is filled pretty consistently. Or you can always talk to a library staff member, as we are always happy to recommend stuff.
If you are still having trouble picking, check out the Book Blitz Month display. Books have been grabbed from the library's collection & specifically put on the display, so you can just grab a book & go. (And to be honest, it's winter in the Midwest. Snow is currently on the ground & we will likely see more. So, why not take advantage of Book Blitz?)