MAS Reference eBook Subscription

Quincy Public Library
526 Jersey St.
Quincy, IL 62301
United States
Discover your next great read with NoveList! Scan through recommended lists, or build your own list with the appeal mixer – select the tone, character, and pacing you like and see the results immediately!
OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses.
Presents multiple sides of over 500 issues. Helps students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
Browse and search Quincy Public Library’s robust collection of digitized historical documents and photos on building in Quincy and Adams County. The Architecture Database is organized by address but can be searched by keyword.
Regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces from 1990. Includes newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and news wires.
Hundreds of full-text journals and magazines covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy, and philosophy of language.
Provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-qualityvideos. The database also contains science experiments, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, and a vast image collection.